The Kershaw County of Commerce is committed to its mission "to create and support an environment in which business can flourish in Kershaw County".
What is the Chamber of Commerce? The Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in the area, uniting business and professional firms to accomplish collectively what cannot be done individually. While it is operated as a not-for-profit corporation, it operates and lives within its financial means.
What it is not! It is not a department of the city, county, or state government, and, is not a social services, or charitable institution.
Who are its members? The Chamber's 360+ members include the largest and most successful businesses in the region, recently organized start-ups, and almost every conceivable business in between. What our members share in common is a commitment to Kershaw County as a place to invest, to do business, and to live!
What are the Chamber's objectives?
- Value Proposition - solidify our value proposition with our current and potential members
- Advocate – identify and speak out on the issues important to our members
- Communications – improve communications with key stakeholder groups and members
- Vision for the County - get good representation from all the geographic areas

Who calls the shots? The Chamber is governed by a 17-member Board of Directors that is representative of the range of businesses among our membership and elected directors serve 3-year terms with one third being elected each year.
What is your return on investment?
- Access to Information
- Advocacy
- Discounts
- Education
- Exposure
- Involvement
- Membership Services
You can make business contacts by meeting the decision makers of member firms at networking functions such as; Business Before/After Hours, the Annual Awards Gala, Golf Tournaments, and the Annual Legislative Breakfast, just to name a few.
Get advertising that works by promoting your business to thousands of prospects with free listings in the Chamber's membership directory, on-line and in the BIZY Mag magazine. Members may also advertise in the Chamber's electronic newsletter. Many other advertising opportunities are available to members only.
Receive current business news with concise information about current Chamber projects in our electronic newsletter and quarterly printed newsletter. Additional community exposure is given through continuous press releases on our website, The Chronicle Independent, TruVista Channel 39, West Wateree Chronicle, and WPUB Kool 102.7.
Helpful facts and figures are also available through the Chamber with the distribution of telephone directories, maps, and other local information. General statistics are also available and demographics information may be obtained through our partner, the Kershaw County Economic Development Office. The Chamber responds to hundreds of inquiries each month about specific services available in Kershaw County and we only refer member companies.
A strong community must have a strong Chamber of Commerce. As a voluntary, 501(c) 6 not-for-profit organization, your Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce is dependent on the dues investments it receives from business and professional firms for 66% of its operating budget. It is our vision to be a business partner providing good value to our members, continue to be a valuable source of information to our members and visitors, and work towards becoming a source of unity and direction for the community. With your help we can make this vision a reality. Please explore our newly updated website, or call us at (803) 432-2525 for additional information.
We invite you to become a part of our Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce!
Amy Kinard
Executive Director